[Solution] NUR420 Community Health Nursing [Full Course Syllabus and Assignments]

 Community Health Nursing

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Term: Spring or Fall Course Title: Community Health Nursing    
Course Number: NUR 420  
Credit Hours: 4  
Prerequisites: None  

This course has both a didactic and a clinical component. The didactic portion introduces the concepts and principles of community health and the practice of evidence-based community health nursing. The nursing process is applied to the care of individuals, families, and groups within the community. Emphasis will be on community health measures which promote and maintain the health of the community. Application of community health nursing principles occurs in the 54-hour independent clinical experience in a community setting under the direction of the faculty.


Upon successfully completing this course, learners will be able to:

  1. List the health-related goals that are of concern to community/public health nurses.
  2. Identify agencies with the most important roles in health care issues at the federal, state, and local levels.
  3. Explain what is known from epidemiologic data about the overall health of the American population and aggregates.
  4. Explain approaches to community assessment, intervention, and evaluation.
  5. Describe the responsibilities of the community/public health nurse in promoting health and preventing illness in the community.
  • Cherie, Rector, C., & Mary Jo Stanley. (2022). Community & public health nursing: Promoting the public’s health (10th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
    Print: 978-1975123048
    eText: 978-1975123048
  • American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). ISBN: 9781433832154

Other Resources

  1. All other resources (videos, Ted Talks, YouTube, etc.) are assigned in each module.

Assignments, projects, quizzes, and/or exams with brief descriptions of expectations with points/weights assigned to each activity.

Learning ObjectivesProjectWritten AssignmentClinical
Module 2: Explain what is known from epidemiologic data about the overall health of the American population and aggregates.N/ASubmit an APA formatted paperN/A
Module 3: List the health-related goals that are of concern to community and public health nurses.Conduct a Windshield SurveySubmit a Powerpoint Presentation (template in Module 3)N/A
Module 4: List the health-related goals that are of concern to Community Health Nursing and public health nurses.Conduct a Family InterviewSubmit an APA formatted Paper with an genogram and eco map (template in Module 4)N/A
Module 6: List the health-related goals that are of concern to community and public health nurses.Conduct a Teaching Plan & EvaluationSubmit a Powerpoint Presentation (template in Module 6)N/A
Module 7: Identify specific essential career skills they developed during their experiential learning. Reflect upon how the essential career skills they developed can be applied in future academic and professional environments. Communicate the essential career skills they have developed to others through clear and concise written and verbal means.Essay & VideoSubmit a Reflective Essay for Assignment 1. Submit a 60-second video for Assignment 2.N/A
Clinical hours: Explain approaches to community assessment, intervention, and evaluation.N/ASubmit Clinical Log, Clinical Performance Evaluation Tool, and Student Evaluation of Clinical Site54-hours
            Grading Scale   Letter Percentage A 93-100 A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 60-66 F 0-59             Grading scheme and weights   Assignments Percentage/Points Discussion Questions for each Module 30% 70 points Modules 2, 3, 4, and 6 Assignments 50% 80 points Forms/Reports 5% 7 points Experiential Learning Assessment 15% 20 points TOTAL 100% 177 points

c.       Academic integrity statement of Community Health Nursing

Academic dishonesty is considered to be the representation of another’s work as one’s own, either directly or through complicity in falsification; cheating; plagiarism; facilitation of academic dishonesty; or infringement on the academic rights of others. For further details, please refer to Section 7.1.1 in the Student Handbook.

d.      Netiquette statement

Communication in this course may take place online, in discussion boards, and/or through email. Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online and here are some guidelines for online communication:

  1. Be sensitive to different cultural and linguistic backgrounds and political and religious beliefs.
    1. Use good taste when composing your responses. Swearing and profanity should be avoided. Also, consider that slang terms can be misunderstood or misinterpreted.
    1. Don’t use all capital letters when composing your responses. This is considered “shouting” on the Internet and impolite or aggressive. It can also be stressful on the eye when trying to read your message.
    1. Be respectful of others’ views and opinions. Avoid “flaming” (publicly attacking or insulting) others.
    1. Be careful when using acronyms. If you use an acronym, it is best to spell out its meaning first, then put it in parentheses afterward, such as Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). After that, you can use the acronym freely throughout your message.
    1. Use good grammar and spelling and avoid using text messaging shortcuts.
    1. In emails, always identify yourself and what class and section you are in. Putting your course and section in the subject line is good practice. This helps your instructor identify course-related emails.

e.      Learning Management System (Canvas)

Students are provided with guides and online ticketing services when an LMS issue arises. To access the 24/7 help desk and resources, access the Help option by clicking on the question mark icon in the global navigation bar on the left side of your course page.


  Module 1Topic: Community Health Nursing/Public Health Nursing & Healthcare
Discussion: Who are the clients in Community Health nursing? What government resources might they be eligible for? What agencies are responsible for those resources?
 Assignment: Complete Get to Know thread, Chain of Command Policy, Clinical Site Information, Preceptor Agreement Form, and Complio Report. Respond to Discussion Question and 2 peers.
    Module 2Topic: Fundamental Concepts for Community Health
Discussion: School board trustees are requesting public comment before they vote on a vaccination policy for all children in a local school district. Should individual rights (e.g., parents’ rights to decide whether to vaccinate their children) be compromised to control the spread of communicable diseases for the good of society?
Assignment: Respond to Discussion Question and 2 peers. Complete Hospital Readmissions Among High-Risk Patient Populations Paper.
    Module 3Topic: Application of Nursing Process to a Community
Discussion: Briefly describe one Community Health Nursing problem from your community’s health improvement plan. What structure, process, and outcome standards would you use to evaluate a program addressing this problem?
Assignment: Respond to Discussion Question and 2 peers.  Complete a Community Assessment by way of a Windshield Survey. Submit a Powerpoint Presentation with no more than 10 slides.
    Module 4Topic: Health Promotion for Families
Discussion: What are potential barriers to forming an effective relationship with families? What, if any, might be potential conflicts of interest?
Assignment: Respond to Discussion Question and 2 peers. Complete a 2-part assignment that includes a Family Interview followed by a summarization of the Family Assessment in the form of a paper. Include a genogram and eco map.
    Module 5Topic: Health Promotion & Risk Reduction
Discussion: How do family, friends, and community influence individual health and lifestyle? Identify at least 3 positive and 3 negative effects.
Assignment: Respond to Discussion Question and 2 peers. Use this week to complete Clinical Hours and begin processing the Teaching Plan & Evaluation due during Module 6.
    Module 6Topic: Exploration of Vulnerable Populations
Discussion: How effective are the resources in your community for the vulnerable populations we have discussed over the past 2 weeks? In which areas is there room for improvement?
Assignment: Respond to Discussion Question and 2 peers. Conduct a Community Teaching Plan & Evaluation that builds on the assignment in Module 4. Teach on 1 Health Behavior discovered after completing the Family Assessment in Module 4.
    Module 7Topic: Practicum Experiences
Discussion: Give a brief summary evaluation of your community’s health, the major strengths of your community, and the hopes for your community in the future. Also, discuss what has resonated with you in this course.
Assignment: Respond to Discussion Question and 2 peers. Complete Clinical Log, Student Evaluation of Clinical Site, and Clinical Performance Evaluation Tool. Submit a 1,000-word Reflective Essay for Assignment 1. Submit a 60-second video for Assignment 2.
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