[ANSWER]Community Work & Development Assignment 3: Community Development Strategy for Fernwood Bankstown

Community Development Strategy for Fernwood Bankstown
The notion of social justice presents an ideal theoretical framework upon which the identified problem can be addressed. Premised on the concepts of equality and human rights, social justice is about equity and fairness (Ife 2016). Community development practice aims to address these inequalities by empowering disadvantaged groups (Checkoway 2013).
Social justice work is founded on the idea that in any given society, there are groups who are more privileged than others in terms of access to the resources and opportunities needed for leading a fulfilling life (Coburn & Gormally 2015). Community development practice aims to address these inequalities by empowering disadvantaged groups (Checkoway 2013). As Ife (2016) puts it, community workers that base their practice on the social justice perspective are motivated by the passion to create a fairer and better world for everyone.
It is easy to think that the phrase social justice relates only to macro inequality issues like socioeconomic differences between the rich and the poor or health disparities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities. This is not necessarily true; even seemingly trivial issues like the one identified above have a social justice dimension. Ideally…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1743 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1743
Grade/Mark: 85 (Distinction)