[ANSWER]Analysis of Community Practice: The Ecological Perspective of Community Development

Community Development


Community Development: The ecological perspective divides human environment into four main systems including the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem (Christensen, 2010; Ettekal & Mahoney, 2017). The microsystem defines the immediate surrounding in which the person lives and operates and is composed of such elements as family, neighbourhood, peers or even school (Christensen, 2010). The mesosystem defines relationships existing between an individual’s microsystems, for instance, family and the school while the exosystem refers to the connection between a human’s microsystem and a social environment in which they do not participate actively (Christensen, 2010)(Community Development)

Finally, macrosystem is the expansive social culture within which a person operates, which may include such cultural contexts as socioeconomic status and ethnicity (Christensen, 2010). Understanding the relationship between the above environments and human beings draw from four key principles explained by Jimenez et al. (2019). These principles are interdependence, adaptation, cycling of resources, and succession. The first tenet, interdependence, contributes to conceptualization of the manner in which any basic change in one environmental system can create a domino effect in the rest of the ecological systems. Adaptation explains the process of ecological change as well as an understanding that such change may be exclusive to the particular environmental…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1962 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1962

Grade/Mark: 94 (Distinction)

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