[ANSWER]NURBN2026 Assessment 3 Clinical Essay Scenario – Person-Centred Nursing Practice: Shaun Cross Case Study

Clinical Essay Scenario

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Clinical Essay Scenario Given Shaun’s diabetic condition, critical to his care prior to the arthroscope would be maintenance of normal blood glucose levels (BGL). In diabetic patients, surgical stress can upset BGL, potentially worsening patient outcomes during and after surgery (Dhatariya & Levy, 2019). This makes maintenance of normal BGL crucial for ensuring optimal postoperative outcomes, particularly in terms of avoiding or minimising the risk of hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia (Dogra & Jialal, 2021).

A vital variable to check at the preoperative stage would be the patients HbA1c. Whereas evidence in this area is conflicting, abnormally high HbA1c can result in poor patient outcomes postoperatively, Clinical Essay Scenario hence the need to check the variable before surgery (Dogra & Jialal, 2021). Shaun’s last HbA1c was taken three weeks ago and was 6.4% (48 mmol).

This level is not problematic as it is not higher than the generally recommended level of <10% (Martin et al., 2020). Prior to the arthroscope, the nurse would need to ensure Shaun’s BGL is within the normal range. Perioperatively, the recommended BGL range is 5-10 mmol/L (90-180 mg/dL) (Martin et al., 2020). To maintain this range, attention would need to be paid to his intake of insulin and carbohydrates as well as BGL…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2049 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 2049

Grade/Mark: 81 (Distinction)
