[ANSWER]PSYC10 Short Paper 2: Motivated Reasoning in Climate Change Beliefs

Climate Change

[ANSWER PREVIEW ON Climate Change Beliefs]

The two articles are similar in that they focus on the concept of motivated reasoning. They both demonstrate how motivated reasoning shapes differences in the perceptions of climate change evidence between proponents and skeptics. Another notable similarity is that both articles compare liberals and conservatives in terms of their reasoning about climate changes evidence.

However, the two articles arrive at different conclusions. According to Luo and Zhao (2019), political orientation influences perceptions about climate-change, with conservatives portraying reluctance to embrace new evidence that goes against their existing conclusions about climate change. This article provides support for the influence of directional motivated reasoning on climate-changes beliefs.

Druckman and McGrath’s (2019) article on the other hand focuses on accuracy motivated reasoning, arguing that this type of motivated reasoning offers a more convincing explanation for the divide…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1356 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1356

Grade/Mark: 86 (Distinction)
