[ANSWER]NSG3202 Chronic Illness Assessment 2 – Asthma: A Chronic Illness Assessment

Chronic Illness Assessment

TASK DESCRIPTION on Chronic Illness Assessment – Asthma


DUE DATE:               Friday 16th OCTOBER 2020 (11.59PM)

LENGTH:                   2000 WORDS

MARKING LOAD:      50%

This assessment applies to Learning outcomes 5-11 in your subject booklets

ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS [Chronic Illness Assessment]

Individual Submission

Key components of the assignment –

Interview a client with a chronic illness/ condition (choose a condition different to the assessment 1 condition).  

1.  Comprehensively collect the required information for your case study including:

Clear identification of chronic illness, condition/disability, past and current medical history and socioeconomic situation and any other applicable information.

2. In your own words using relevant supporting evidence discuss:

the pathophysiology of the chronic illness/ condition,

 include the contributing risk factors,

 the related clinical manifestations 

any other comorbidities the client may have that impact the chronic condition

3. Discuss the impact of the disease/ illness on the health and wellbeing of the person and the family/carer.

4. Use evidence – based practice to recommend/discuss multidisciplinary team prevention strategies / resources.

5. Discuss pharmacological management to enhance better outcomes for the client, family and care giver.

Please ensure confidentiality of your client at all times throughout your paper by deidentification.

To be uploaded onto Brightspace and presented as an academic paper using APA 6th or 7th edition referencing. Paper should be presented as per assessment presentation requirements.

[ANSWER PREVIEW] [Chronic Illness Assessment]

According to Sullivan et al. (2016), asthma is an inflammatory condition comprising hyper-responsiveness of the airway causing intermittent wheezing, difficulty breathing, coughing as well as tightness of the chest. Understanding the pathophysiology of asthma remains utterly challenging, with most researchers summarizing it into airway inflammation and remodelling (King et al., 2018). Airway inflammation especially in the lower sections may stem from a wide range of factors some of which are genetic, environmental, or even changes in the microbiome and metabolite (Mims, 2015). [Chronic Illness Assessment]

An in-depth discussion of these risk factors will make part of the subsequent section. Research shows that a large number of asthmatic patients exhibit type 2 inflammation, which has been linked with particular cytokine profiles alongside such inflammatory cells as eosinophils, basophils, and mast (Mims, 2015). Various changes in these cells determine the level of inflammation and severity of respiratory problems. With asthma, the airway thickens and significantly narrows during a smooth muscle contraction (King et al., 2018). [Chronic Illness Assessment]

A consequential thickening of the mucosal layer and the airway wall compromises function of the lungs which, in turn, results in airway hype-responsiveness (AHR). The airway narrowing may be irreversible (King et al., 2018). Mims (2015) clarifies that it is…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2736 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 2736

Grade/Mark: 93 (Distinction)
