[ANSWER]Assessment 3 Case Study and Literature Review: Health and Wellbeing in Children Exposed to Family Violence

 Children Exposed to Family Violence


Children Exposed to Family Violence: As of 2016, 16% and 11% of women and men, respectively, reported experiencing physical and/or sexual violence prior to reaching the age of 15 years (AIHW, 2020), with family members being the major perpetrators. A study conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) involving 10,002 separated families in Australia discovered that up to 26% of mothers and 17% of fathers experienced physical violence before opting for separation from their partners (Campo, 2015).

In the study, 72% of mothers and 63% of fathers who admitted going through physical violence before opting for separation said their children were exposed to the violence (Campo, 2015). Children who are exposed to violence often grapple with many negative health effects, some of which can stretch into adulthood if not addressed in good time (Moffitt & Klaus-Grawe, 2013). Hillis et al. (2017) report that exposing an individual to domestic violence during childhood impacts lifelong health and well-being.

One of the effects is poor physical health. In addition to exposure to physical injury, going through family violence can be a horrible experience for children given their young age. For example, children exposed to violence are likely to lack the basic requirements for the survival of any human being, including food, shelter, and healthcare alongside parental care (AIHW, 2020). Deprivation of these necessities can lead to malnutrition, direct exposure to harsh climatic conditions, and lack of medical attention when in sickness, resulting in poor physical health in the affected children (AIHW, 2020). David is at…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2496 WORDS] (Children Exposed to Family Violence)

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Type: Essay

Word Count: 2496

Grade/Mark: 92 (Distinction)

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