[ANSWER]Empathy in PCC: Application of Empathy as a Core Condition for Person-Centered Therapeutic Approach
[ANSWER PREVIEW]As such, patients get a conducive environment to express Centered Therapeutic Approach themselves and exploit their behavior without fear of judgement,
The PCA stipulates three ‘core conditions,’ whose contributions serve to fertilise the grounds for therapeutic change and individual growth. They exhibit a stark contrast with the conditions facilitating psychological disturbances (Erickson and Blazer-Riley, 2012, p.16-31). The conditions include congruence, unconditional positive regard, and empathy (McLeod, 2015, p. 107-115). Congruence denotes a person’s willingness to relate to patients without invoking the professional stipulations as an excuse for poor interpersonal relationships Centered Therapeutic Approach.
It requires that the caregiver or the counsellor remains genuine and authentic throughout the treatment process, or after the treatment as necessitated by the contract and the conditions of operation. In this manner, the patient will not have to guess the ‘true colours’ of the caregiver or counsellor. On a similar note, unconditional positive regard stipulates that caregivers accept their patients without reservations or judgmental attitudes.
As such, patients get a conducive environment to express Centered Therapeutic Approach themselves and exploit their behavior without fear of judgement, condemnation or rejection from the counsellor (Williams, 2013, p.18-19). According to Web and Holland (2011), this means that patients do not have to worry about upholding certain behavioral standards to earn positive regard. Empathy, which is the chosen therapeutic condition for this discussion, requires counsellors or caregivers to express their desire to not only appreciate, but also understand their patients’ perspectives (Miller and Nambiar-Greenwood, 2011, p.20-32)….[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 3379 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 3379
Grade/Mark: 86 (Distinction)