[Solution] NRS420 Health Assessment [Full Course, All Assignments and Discussions]

[Solution] NRS420 Health Assessment [Full Course, All Assignments and Discussions]

Child abuse and maltreatment is not limited to a particular age. It can occur in the infant/toddler (1 month-3 years of age), preschool (3-5 years of age), school-age (5-11 years of age), and adolescent (12-18 years of age) age groups. Choose one of the four age groups and outline the types of abuse most commonly seen among children of that age. Describe warning signs and physical and emotional assessment findings the nurse may see that could indicate child abuse. Discuss cultural variations of health practices that can be misidentified as child abuse. Describe the reporting mechanism in your state and nurse responsibilities related to the reporting of suspected child abuse. Identify two factors that increase the vulnerability of a child for abuse in the age group you have selected.

[Solution] NUR620-AP1 [Full Course, All Assignments and Discussions]

[Solution] NUR620-AP1 [Full Course, All Assignments and Discussions]

Describe three reasons it is important to gather detailed and extensive information from any patient before you counsel him/her or make medication suggestions.  Use evidence-based research to support your position.

Define malingering.  Discuss two ways to differentiate between malingering and a DSM5 diagnosis.  Use evidence-based research to support your position.