[ANSWER]NUR241 Assessment Task 2: Case Study Analysis
[ANSWER PREVIEW ON Case Study Analysis]
Case Study Analysis:] Closely related to incident reporting is the concept of open disclosure. This concept is reiterated in the Australian Open Disclosure Framework. Formally adopted by the Health Ministers of all states and territories in Australia in 2013, the Framework requires health professionals and healthcare organisations to disclose to patients any incident that occurs in the course of an episode of care and which led to or could have led to harm to the patient (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care [ACSQHC] 2013).
Patients affected by clinical incidents have a right to this information. The disclosure is beneficial to patients, health professionals, healthcare organisations as it enables healthcare organisations to respond to adverse events in a more compassionate manner and to enhance patient safety (ACSQHC 2013)…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1273 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1273
Grade/Mark: 97 (Distinction)