[ANSWER]CNA153 Assessment Task 4 Research Evidence-based Practice Paper – Evidence-Based Practice: The Case for Clinical Handover
The Case for Clinical Handover
This task will require you to explore in detail an aspect of nursing practice [Case for Clinical Handover] based on a provided case study. The nursing practice will be explored from an organizational, nursing astaff, and client perspective. As part of this task, you will be required to use research and evidence commonly used to evaluate healthcare practice and suggest ways to improve patient outcomes based on the research findings.
Task Length: 1500 words
Links to unit’s intended learning outcomes: 3, 4
Assessment Criteria
- Demonstrates an understanding of how data is used to evaluate our practice.
- Shows an understanding of the link between evidence and quality patient outcomes.
- Demonstrates an ability to search for research evidence to answer a clinical question.
- Demonstrates an understanding of the different types of evidence underpinning nursing practice and healthcare service delivery.
- Demonstrates the ability to use (integrate) research findings to answer a clinical questions.
- Writes clearly and succinctly with correct grammar, terminology and referencing (Harvard style)
Submission requirements: To be submitted online via the MyLO ‘Assignment’ tab (drop-box)
Contribution to final assessment: 40%
Due Date Friday 16th, October, by 15:30hrs

This Unit Outline refers to the Unit Outline Essential Information resource which includes information, policies and requirements relevant to this unit. The document is located inside your MyLO unit in the Start Here folder (along with this unit outline).
You must read the Essential Information resource, as it is considered part of this Unit Outline.
Unit Description
This unit is designed to prepare students for entry into practice, enhance understanding of professional frameworks, and promote the development of professional identity as nurses. Students will extend their understanding of core quality, safety, legal and ethical concepts that will have immediate relevance to practice. Research methodologies will be introduced and the importance of research for practice will be highlighted.
Time management, reflective and evidence-informed practice, and self-care are emphasised throughout the unit. Students will contribute to their Professional Portfolio during this unit.
This unit has a weighting of 12.5%
Intended Learning Outcomes
On completion of this unit, you will be able to:
- Identify and relate core quality, safety, ethical and legal concepts to practice.
- Engage in reflective practices to enhance performance in practice and the capacity to self-care.
- Explain the value of evidence and outline its connection to nursing practice.
- Describe different kinds of nursing research methodologies and search databases to find high-level evidence to inform answers to nursing questions.
Alterations to the unit as a result of student feedback
There have been no alterations to the unit this year as a result of student feedback. Your feedback is welcomed.
Week | Date beginning | Topic/Module/Focus Area | Activities | Resources/Readings/Further Information |
Module 1: Introduction to Ethico-legal Concepts | ||||
1 | 13/07 | What is ethics? Ethical decision-making | Online lectures & resources Online Tutorials | |
2 | 20/07 | Personhood and ethics of care | Online lectures & resources Online Tutorials | |
3. | 27/07 | Person-centred approaches to negotiating care | Online lectures & resources Online Tutorials | AT1 Group presentation |
4 | 03/08 | Duty of care; standard of care | Online lectures & resources Online Tutorials | |
5 | 10/08 | Negligence; reporting and disclosure | Online lectures & resources Online Tutorials | AT2 MCQ online |
Module 2: Preparing for PEP | ||||
6 | 17/08 | Organisation and time management skills, self-care | Online lectures & resources Online Tutorials | AT3 due (MyLO dropbox) |
7 | 24/08 | Professional Experience Placement: tips and resources | Online lectures & resources Online Tutorials | |
Mid-semester break 31/08/20 – 06/09/20 | ||||
8 | 07/09 | PEP | ||
9 | 14/09 | PEP | ||
Module 3: Research and evidence-informed / evidence-based practice | ||||
10 | 21/09 | What is evidence-based practice? Searching for evidence | Online lectures & resources Online Tutorials | |
11 | 28/09 | Evidence underpinning practice (quantitative) | Online lectures & resources Online Tutorials | |
12 | 05/10 | Evidence underpinning practice (qualitative) | Online lectures & resources Online Tutorials | |
13 | 12/10 | Unit review | Self-directed study | AT4 due (MyLO dropbox) |
Assessment schedule
Assessment task | Date due | Percent | Links to ILOs |
weighting | |||
AT1: Group presentation | Week 3 | 12% | 1, 2 |
AT2: Online quiz | 17th August | 8% | 1 |
AT3: Written inquiry/reflection | 18th August | 40% | 1, 2 |
AT4: Evidence-informed practice report | 16th October | 40% | 3, 4 |
Assessment details
Assessment task 1: Group presentation
Task Description | Students will work in small groups to examine an ethics case study and prepare a short presentation for the class. These will be presented in week 3. Time will be allocated during tutorials to progress this groupwork, however, presentations may need to be finalised outside of class time. | |
Assessment Criteria | Measures Intended Learning Outcome: | |
Criterion 1 | Demonstrates an understanding of the ethical complexities in the case and shows awareness of the different ethical positions inherent in a real-life situation (40%) | 1 |
Criterion 2 | Discusses the importance of negotiated outcomes between stakeholders and applies ethical principles to the decision-making process (30%) | 1 |
Criterion 3 | Demonstrates an understanding of the ethical complexities in the case and shows awareness of the different ethical positions inherent in a real-life situation (40%) | 1 |
Criterion 4 | Presents clearly and succinctly, with the integration of relevant academic literature to justify ideas and observations (10%) | |
Task length | 10 minutes for each group presentation | |
Due by date | Presentations will take place during tutorial time in week 3 |
Assessment task 2: Multiple choice quiz (online)
Task Description | Online multiple-choice quiz to be completed via the quiz portal on the CNA153 MyLO site. | |
Assessment Criteria | Measures Intended Learning Outcome: | |
Criterion 1 | Identifies ethical principles, codes of conduct, codes of ethics and professional standards relevant to healthcare practice in Australia | 1 |
Criterion 2 | Demonstrates knowledge of the laws and fundamental legal principles that are relevant to healthcare practice in Australia | 1 |
Criterion 3 | Demonstrates an understanding of the legal, ethical and clinical knowledge and skills required to function safely in a healthcare setting | 1 |
Task length | 20 multiple choice questions, to be completed in one sitting of 30 minutes. | |
Due by date | Week 5. Quiz opens at 08.00 on Thursday, 13th August and closes at 1700 on Monday, 17th August |
Assessment task 3: Written inquiry/reflection
Task Description | This task will require you to reflect upon and analyse a written healthcare scenario from an ethico-legal perspective, using Driscoll’s reflective model as a guide. It is expected that you will draw upon the unit content, personal experiences and relevant literature and learning resources to inform your reflection and analysis. | |
Assessment Criteria | Measures Intended Learning Outcome: | |
Criterion 1 | Demonstrates familiarity with key concepts of ethical practice (covered in this unit) pertaining to the chosen situation (10%) | 1, 2 |
Criterion 2 | Demonstrates an understanding of the ethico- legal complexities inherent in the situation, and considers the implications of different courses of action (40%) | 1, 2 |
Criterion 3 | Shows evidence of developing ethical awareness and how self-reflection may inform your practice and relationships with others (20%) | 1, 2 |
Criterion 4 | Writes clearly and succinctly using Driscoll’s model (written in the first person), with correct grammar, ethico-legal terminology and referencing (Harvard style) (10%) | |
Criterion 5 | Integrates relevant literature and resources to support and justify key ideas and observations (20%) | |
Task length | 1500 words | |
Due by date | Tuesday 18th August by 16:30, via assignment dropbox in MyLO |
Assessment task 4: Research/Evidence-informed Practice Report
Description /conditions | This task will require you to explore in detail an aspect of nursing practice based on a provided case study. The nursing practice will be explored from an organisational, nursing staff, and client perspective. As part of this task, you will be required to use research and evidence commonly used to evaluate healthcare practice and suggest ways to improve patient outcomes based on the research findings. | |
Assessment Criteria | Measures Intended Learning Outcome: | |
Criterion 1 | Demonstrates understanding of how data is used to evaluate practice | 3 |
Criterion 2 | Demonstrates understanding of the link between evidence and quality patient outcomes | 3 |
Criterion 3 | Demonstrates ability to search for research evidence to answer a clinical questions | 4 |
etc | Demonstrates understanding of the different types of evidence underpinning nursing practice and healthcare service delivery | 4 |
Demonstrates ability to use research findings to answer a clinical question | 3, 4 | |
Writes clearly and succinctly, with correct grammar, terminology and referencing (Harvard style) | ||
Task length | 1500 words | |
Date due | Friday 16th October, by 1530 |
Required readings
You will need access to the following texts [available from Booktopia and via the UTas Library]:
- Arnott, N, Paliadelis, P & Cruickshank, M (eds.) 2018. The Road to Nursing, Port Melbourne VIC: Cambridge University Press
- Atkins, K, de Lacey, S, Ripperger B, & Ripperger R, 2020 Ethics and Law for Australian Nurses, (4th edn), Port Melbourne VIC: Cambridge UniversityPress.
- *Greenhalgh T, Bidewell, J, Crisp, E, Lambros, A, and Warland J, 2020 Understanding Research Methods for Evidence-Based Practice in Health, 2nd Edition, Wiley & Sons, Melbourne
*This book is the text for the Research and EBP unit later in the BN program, and will be used in other units of the degree. Ebook copies of this text are held by the Library and can also be accessed directly from Wiley at https://www.wileydirect.com.au/buy/understanding-research- methods-for-evidence – based -practice -in-health-first-edition/.
Similar content information is also covered in other Nursing Research texts, many of which are available through UTas library. You are welcome to use any of these, but while they provide similar information we cannot provide page and chapter details for these.
Recommended Journals
Nursing Ethics
Nursing Inquiry
Journal of Medical Ethics
Medical Humanities
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing
Journal of Clinical Nursing
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Nurse Researcher
Evidence-based Nursing
Reading Lists
Reading Lists provide direct access to many unit readings in one place. This includes eReadings and items in Reserve. You can access the Reading List for this unit from the link in MyLO, or by going to the Reading Lists page on the University Library website.
Equipment, materials, software, accounts
UTAS students are eligible to use Office 365 free of charge. It is a software package built around the Microsoft Office platform that includes Outlook (email and calendars), Word (word processor), Excel (spreadsheet) PowerPoint (presentation) and Skype for Business (video conference). These are available on and off campus. For further information and instructions to install Office 365 on your desktop and/or mobile device, please visit http://www.utas.edu.au/students/starting-uni/first-steps/prepare
Details of teaching arrangements
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this unit is offered fully online via MyLO (my learning online), with recorded lectures and online tutorials via Collaborate webinars accessed through MyLO.
Specific attendance/performance requirements
In this unit, your active engagement will be monitored in the following way:
- Participation and contribution to the group work and presentation required for Assessment Task 1 in week 3.
Progression in this unit requires participation in all learning activities. Attendance will be recorded on a weekly basis.
The clinical handover process is a process with vital implications for patient safety and patient outcomes. If not done properly, there could be medical errors that could harm patients or result in reduced satisfaction with care (Raeisi, Rarani & Soltani 2019). What is more, an ineffective clinical handover process can be frustrating for clinicians, further undermining patient safety and possibly making it difficult to achieve the desired patient outcomes.
This is the case in the case study hospital. The handover process is time-consuming and sometimes does not provide complete or appropriate information, challenges that cause nurses to be frustrated with the handover process. In response to this challenge, the Nurse Unit Manager has recently introduced a new, standardised handover tool. An important aspect of EBP is collecting and analysing evidence to inform practice (Li, Cao & Zhu 2019).
To evaluate the effectiveness of the new handover tool, data on nurse satisfaction with the handover process was collected via a survey before the implementation of the tool and 3 months post-implementation. The survey focused on the following four aspects: 1) nurse satisfaction with between-shift and nurse-to-nurse handover reports; 2) frequency of interruption when one…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1938 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1938
Grade/Mark: 93 (Distinction)