[ANSWER]Case Study Joe: Care Plan for Joe


Care Plan

Care Plan for Joe

Joe has a tendency of walking around the local area at night and sometimes he will shout when doing so. He has poor self-care [Care Plan] and has lost weight. During normal conversations, it is difficult for him to remain attentive. He says that he fears that someone is listening to him outside his flat and when his mother comes to his house, he repeatedly asks her whether anyone has accompanied her there.

When conversing with him, he whispers so that others cannot hear. He cannot tell who those other people are but he says he dislikes them as they call him names and laugh at him. These symptoms point to a psychotic disorder. Psychotic disorders are associated with such characteristics as delusions, hallucinations, significantly disorganised behaviour, disorganised speech, restlessness, and aggression tendencies (Arciniegas, 2015; Ravichandran et al., 2021).

Predisposing Factors Several individual, biological and environmental factors increase the risk for psychosis. These include certain personalities, genetic predisposition, perinatal complications, adverse childhood events [Care Plan], brain damage, urbanicity, alcohol and substance abuse, social isolation, and discrimination (Oliver et al., 2020; Radua et al., 2018).

Other risk factors for psychotic disorders include low socioeconomic status, financial distress, as well as minority and immigrant status (Oliver et al., 2020). Joe has a history of alcohol and substance abuse; he drinks and uses stimulants and cannabis regularly. This behaviour is likely to have put him at risk of psychotic complications. Other factors that appear to have increased Joe’s risk for psychosis…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2449 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 2449

Grade/Mark: 81 (Distinction)
