[ANSWER]NRS83004 Assignment 3 – Treatment Plan for Borderline Personality Disorder: Shanae’s Case Study

Borderline Personality Disorder

[ANSWER PREVIEW ON Borderline Personality Disorder]

Borderline Personality Disorder: Shanae’s Case Study :] BPD can be debilitating to the extent that it can considerably impair one’s physical health as well as psychosocial and occupational functioning. Owing to anomalies in the neurobiological systems that regulate emotions and stress response, BPD patients tend to be vulnerable to emotional states that feature hyperarousal (Kulacaoglu & Kose, 2018). Shanae explains that she has struggled with depression for as long as she can remember. Her depression is so severe that she has overdosed and intentionally injured herself severally in the past. She has also lost her appetite; she is usually unhungry and she often vomits when she attempts to eat. [Borderline Personality Disorder]

Additionally, Shanae’s psychological distress is likely the reason for her alcohol and substance abuse, a problem that has contributed to the loss of her job. BPD also impairs the neurobiological systems that regulate attachment and social cognition, making BPD patients prone to interpersonal relationship difficulties (Kulacaoglu & Kose, 2018). Though Shanae has fairly healthy relationships with her mates in the shared house she lives, she admits that she prefers living alone.   BPD may often occur alongside other psychiatric disorders, such as mood and anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, substance abuse disorder, and eating disorders (Brune…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 3270 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 3270

Grade/Mark: 90 (Distinction)
