[Solution] PHI 3633: Biomedical Ethics [Full Course, All Assignments and Discussions]

Biomedical Ethics

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  1. Course Description 

This course provides an exploration of ethical issues currently arising in the practice of medicine and its allied sciences Biomedical Ethics, which incorporates the perspective of Catholic Bioethics. Topics to be covered include informed consent, euthanasia, research on human subjects, genetic engineering, public policy, and health care. This is a writing-intensive course which meets the requirements of the State of Florida “Gordon Rule.”

  1. Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Identify the dominant modern scientific-institutional paradigms for health care.
  2. Outline the various ethical traditions attempting to guide Biomedical Ethics health care, particularly utilitarian, proportionalism and natural-law ethics.
  3. Examine various disputed issues in contemporary health care as mentioned in the course description.
  4. Practice and enhance communication skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

  5. Resources


  • Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (6th ed.). (2018). Washington, DC.: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
  • American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). ISBN: 9781433832154

Other Resources

  • All other resources (videos, Ted Talks, YouTube, etc.) are assigned in each module.

  1. Course Outline and Expectations


This is an accelerated course lasting 7 weeks Biomedical Ethics, and as such will require a higher work load each week than if this was a 16-week course. In order to fulfill the 135 contact hour expectations, this will mean that you will be expected to spend about 20 hours a week engaged with the course. Engagement means reading, watching videos, participating in discussions Biomedical Ethics, working on homework/projects/activities/assignments, researching and analyzing materials, and other items assigned by the instructor.


See Nursing Student Handbook.

Academic Honesty

Please see the St. Thomas University Catalog for more information about academic honesty, including consequences of academic dishonesty (See Nursing Student Handbook.) 

Students are expected to adhere to the academic honesty policy as stated in the college catalog.  Students violating the policy in any way will automatically receive an “F” in the course and be referred to the Dean of Students for further disciplinary action Biomedical Ethics.

When submitting an assignment via Turnitin, a similarity report is generated. Similarity Reports provide a summary of matching or highly similar text found in a submitted paper. The student’s Similarity Report is available for viewing; a similarity score percentage of more than 20% will not be accepted. Student will obtain a zero for the assignment. Student has the opportunity to resubmit assignments before the due date to check their similarity score Biomedical Ethics.

Special Accommodations

Each qualified individual with a disability who meets the academic and technical

standards required to enroll in and participate in STU’s programs shall be Biomedical Ethics

provided with equal access to educational programs in the most integrated setting

appropriate to that person’s needs through reasonable accommodation.

(See Nursing Student Handbook)

Mental Health and Wellness

“Life at college can be very complicated. Students often feel overwhelmed or stressed, experience anxiety or depression, struggle with relationships, or just need help navigating challenges in their life. If you’re facing such challenges, you don’t need to handle them on your own–there’s help and support on campus Biomedical Ethics.

As your instructor if I believe you may need additional support Biomedical Ethics, I will express my concerns, the reasons for them, and refer you to resources that might be helpful. It is not my intention to know the details of what might be bothering you, but simply to let you know I care and that help is available. Getting help is a courageous thing to do—for yourself and those you care about.

Our student health center helps students cope with difficult emotions and life stressors Biomedical Ethics. If you need general resources on coping with stress or want to talk with another student who has been in the same place as you, you may book online via this link.

All counseling services are free and confidential and consists of two licensed clinicians and mental health counseling student interns. Find out more at https://www.stu.edu/studenthealth or by calling 305-628-6695.

Course   Communication Policy

Your STU email is the official email communication channel used by the University and your professors Biomedical Ethics. You may expect a response to any email inquiries from your instructor(s) and/or coach(es) within twenty-four (24) to forty-eight (48) hours. You may expect feedback on course assignments within seventy-two (72) hours.

Furthermore, the Announcements and General Help Forum/Cyber Café in your Canvas course are additional communication tools. Thus, students should check their course Announcements regularly and use the General Help Forum/Cyber Café to post questions about the course Biomedical Ethics.

Course Communication Guidelines (Netiquette)

Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. Much of our communication in this course will take place in the forums and through email. Here are some guidelines for online communication in this course:

  • Be sensitive to different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, as well as different political and religious beliefs.
  • Use good taste when composing your responses. Swearing and profanity should be avoided. Also consider that slang terms can be misunderstood Biomedical Ethics or misinterpreted.
  • Don’t use all capital letters when composing your responses. This considered “shouting” on the Internet and is regarded as impolite or aggressive. It can also be stressful on the eye when trying to read your message.
  • Be respectful of others’ views and opinions. Avoid “flaming” (publicly attacking or insulting) others.
  • Be careful when using acronyms. If you use an acronym it is best to spell out its meaning first, then put the acronym in parentheses afterward, for example: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). After that you can use the acronym freely throughout your message.
  • Use good grammar and spelling, and avoid using text messaging shortcuts Biomedical Ethics.
  • In emails, always identify yourself and what class and section you are in. It is a good practice to put your course and section in the subject line. This helps your instructor identify course related emails.


  • Technology Requirements

Computer/Technology Requirements

Online students will need regular access to a personal computer that runs on a broadband Internet connection.


Computer/Technology Skill Requirements

Online students will need to possess basic computer skills, including the ability to successfully use Internet browsers to navigate the internet. Students are expected to exhibit basic skills in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint.

  • Using the eLearning environment.
  • Emailing your instructor and attaching files to emails using the Inbox.
  • Verifying your browser is the most current version and browser privacy settings are correct. See the next section below.
  • Creating files using MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and attaching these files to your assignment submissions.
  • Managing your files. Create a folder for each course you are taking under My Documents on your computer. Create a folder for each week. Save your files often and with Lastname_WeekX-assignmentX.docx. It’s recommended that you save several versions to revert back to by adding Biomedical Ethics -v1, -v2 etc. to the end of your filename for example Lastname_Week1-assignment1-v1.docx and Lastname_Week1-assignment1-final.docx.
  • Uploading MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, PDFs in completing assignments. 
  • You may also be asked to use a webcam and upload videos or audio files, use social media to communicate with your peers, or collaborate electronically. 
  • Researching information in the Library or using the Library databases. Make sure to include citations to avoid plagiarism.
  • Copying and pasting (Control C for copying and Control V for pasting on a PC, Command C for copying and Command V for pasting on a Mac) into a MS Word document or PowerPoint file.
  • Downloading and installing software and applications.


Learning Management System (Canvas)

Students are provided with guides and online ticketing service when an LMS issues arises. To access the 24/7 help desk and resources, access the Help option by clicking on the question mark icon in the global navigation bar on the left side of your course page.

Canvas Student Guide

Web Conferences/Synchronous sessions (ZOOM)

Applicable to the particular course. Language usually comes from the instructor. Should include links to support information for whatever technology is being used for these sessions.


  • Grading and Evaluation

Final Grade Calculation

Assignments (8)800100%

In general, initial discussion posts are due on Thursdays by 11:59PM, posts in response to your peers are due on Sundays by 11:59PM. Assignments are due on Sundays by 11:59PM. Your Instructor can augment these due dates if necessary. If due dates fall on a religious holiday Biomedical Ethics, it will be reassigned to the following day.


See Nursing Student Handbook.

In determining the final course grade, the following percentage scale will be used:

PercentageLetter GradeDescriptionFinal Grade
100 – 95 Excellent; superior P = Pass
94 – 90   A- Very Good P = Pass
89 – 87   B+ With merit; good P = Pass
86 – 83 Good P = Pass
82 – 80 B- Above-satisfactory P = Pass
79 – 77 C+ Above-satisfactory P = Pass
76 – 73 Failure  F = Fail
72 – 70 C- Failure  F = Fail
69 – 67 D+ Failure  F = Fail
66 – 60 Failure  F = Fail
59 – 0 Failure F = Fail

Undergraduate nursing students are required to achieve a minimum final course grade of 77% to successfully complete the course. If a BSN student does not attain a 77% as an average for all test/exams, case studies, quizzes and assignments, the student will receive an earned letter grade consistent with the average scores for the course and may not progress to the next core course. Students are accountable for all course specific evaluation methods such as quizzes Biomedical Ethics, papers, presentations, etc.


If a BSN student fails a course, he or she must repeat the course the next time it is offered. If a BSN student fails a repeated course, he or she may not progress in the nursing program and will result in dismissal from the program. Any undergraduate nursing student with a total of 3 failures will be discharged from the nursing program Biomedical Ethics.


A rubric is provided for each course task in Canvas. Please refer to those rubrics to understand the evaluation criteria for each task.

Late Work Policy

See Student Policies and Standards

  • Course Evaluation

At the end of this course, students are encouraged to complete an anonymous course evaluation that will be distributed to them via email and through a course link. St. Thomas University greatly values the input of students regarding their experiences with their courses and professors.  All course evaluations are done online by the students. All course evaluations are open on the last week of every course. The course evaluation must be completed during the designated time window of the course Biomedical Ethics. 

  • Course Schedule

The following are the topics for each module:

Module 1Topic: When life begins
Assignment: Beginning of Life Biomedical Ethics  
Module 2Topic: Abortion
Assignment: Abortion  
Module 3Topic: Contraception / In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Assignment: Contraception / IVF  
Module 4Topic: IVF Cont’d & Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Assignment: IVF & NFP  
Module 5Topic: Vital Organs / Unconscious State
Assignment: Vital Organs / Unconscious State  
Module 6Topic: Determination of Death / Informed Consent Biomedical Ethics
Assignment: Determination of Death / Informed Consent  
Module 7Topic: Nutrition & Hydration / Persistent Vegetative State (PVS)
Assignment: Nutrition & Hydration / Persistent Vegetative State (PVS)  
Module 8Topic: Euthanasia & Physician Assisting Suicide (PAS)
Assignment: Euthanasia & Physician Assisting Suicide (PAS)  

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