[ANSWER]Assessment and Treatment of Offenders A1 – Question 4: Compare and Contrast Approaches used in Assessing Violent and Sexual Offenders
Assessment and Treatment of Offenders
Bonta provides evidence-based guidelines for offender risk assessment. The author focuses on Assessment and treatment of offenders several aspects of offender risk assessment but a key focus of the article is whether correctional personnel should use clinical or actuarial measures of risk. Drawing from several studies, the author argues that actuarial measures are more effective than clinical measures in assessing recidivism risk in both sex and violent offenders.
In particular, Bonta demonstrates that though clinical tools such as the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) have been validated for use, correctional psychologists do not use them regularly. Compared to clinical tools, actuarial tools are structured, provide quantitative measures of offender risk, and offer greater predictive validity Assessment and treatment of offenders. Additionally, actuarial measures focus on factors that are more relevant to corrections, such as prison…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1223 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1223
Grade/Mark: 96 (Distinction)