[ANSWER]NUR356 Assessment 1
[ANSWER PREVIEW ON Assessment 1]
Assessment:] With numerous competing demands and scarce economic resources, healthcare organisations grapple with significant challenges when it comes to resource allocation (Krutli et al. 2016). There is probably no other time in recent history when these challenges have been more pronounced than during the era of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Owing to the pressure that the pandemic is exerting on all the already scarce healthcare resources, many health service providers are having a hard time making allocation choices for such critical resources like intensive care beds and frontline health workers (Emanuel et al. 2020).
If these choices are not made judiciously, there could be undesirable outcomes for patients and their families as well as healthcare organisations. It is important for nurses to have an understanding of the concepts of scarcity and choice as they are often required to make resource allocation decisions. As the healthcare landscape changes constantly, increasing pressure on health resources, nurses’ knowledge of these concepts is useful in ensuring effective care planning and…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1652 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1652
Grade/Mark: 85 (Distinction)