[ANSWER]ACMB01– Argument Essay Prompt: How the Media Shapes the World

Argument Essay Prompt


Argument Essay Prompt: How the Media Shapes the World

To achieve its transformative effect, the media produces and broadcasts its content in certain, predetermined ways. As explained by Breit and Vaara, news and other media products are produced and packaged in accordance with prevailing (explicit or implicit) rules, norms and assumptions to achieve a particular agenda (49). This is the reason some issues are regarded as newsworthy and others are not. The implication is that the media acts as an institution.

To put it simply, while journalists adhere to journalistic principles in their work, such as objectivity, how they produce and organize their work is ultimately determined by the explicit and implicit norms that govern the media institution. This is probably why it is often said that there is no such thing as media objectivity. It is not difficult to agree with this point of view. Indeed, media products are packaged…[Buy Full Answer Of Argument Essay Prompt for Just USD 9: 1461 WORDS]


Topic: Argument Essay Prompt

Type: Essay

Word Count: 1161

Grade/Mark: 89 (Distinction)

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