[ANSWER]NURBN 1015 2320 Assessment Task 2: Critical Appraisal of Literature
TASK DESCRIPTION You will be given the Appraisal of Literature choice of two (2) clinical scenarios (see below). The scenario you choose will be used in Task 2 and Task 3
Assessment Task 2: Critical Appraisal of Literature
Task weighting: 30%
Word limit: Total of 900 words (+/- 10%) (approximately 300 words (+/- 10%) per article) For this assessment task, the article references are not included in the word limit.
You may use headings to structure your appraisal
Due date: Monday 4th September 2023 by 23:59hrs (Week 7)
Brief overview of task:
You will be given the choice of two (2) clinical scenarios (see below). The scenario you choose will be used in Task 2 and Task 3.
This assessment task requires you to appraise (review and evaluate) the relevant literature, in terms of evidence- based practice in relation to the associated clinical scenario. You are to choose one (1) article from one of the clinical scenarios provided and search for a further two (2) articles on the same topic. Then you are required to appraise the three (3) articles. Please ensure that each article you choose:
is peer reviewed
reports primary research
identifies the usefulness of their findings to evidence-based practice
The appraisal of the literature needs to address the following six points which are based on the components of the CRAAP test:
A full citation of the source (using APA referencing style) (currency)
Discuss the relevance of the article (the importance of the information for your needs):
Does the information relate to your topic or answer your question?
Who is the intended audience?
Is the information at an appropriate level?
Appraise the source of the information (authority):
Who is the publisher/source/sponsor? (Are there any potential conflicts of interest?)
What are the author’s qualifications to write on the topic?
Appraise the accuracy of the information (the reliability, and correctness of the content):
Where does the information come from?
Is the information supported by evidence
Has the information been reviewed or refereed?
Identify the purpose of the article (the reason the information exists)
What is the purpose of the research? (i.e., why is the research being conducted?)
Does the point of view appear objective and impartial?
A short summary of the content:
Describe the participants, methods, results and any key findings
Clinical scenario choices for task 2 and 3
Choose ONE of the following clinical scenarios to complete Assessment tasks 2 and 3.
You do not need to refer to the scenario within your submission, you do need identify how useful each article is in responding to the clinical scenario
Clinical scenario 1: Cranberry Supplements
You are working with your buddy nurse in an aged care home, helping with the medication round. One of your patients, Betsy, is due for her cranberry supplement. You ask your buddy nurse about the purpose of the supplement, and your buddy nurse explains that cranberry supplements have been shown by research to be effective in reducing the risk of urinary tract infections in adult women. Your buddy nurse suggests that you do some research to understand why the supplements are used in aged care.
The following article is to be used in your appraisal. You will still need to source two (2) further related articles that are up to 10 years old to complete the appraisal of the literature using the CRAPP framework.
Maki, K. C., Kaspar, K. L., Khoo, C., Derrig, L. H., Schild, A. L., & Gupta, K. (2016). Consumption of a cranberry juice beverage lowered the number of clinical urinary tract infection episodes in women with a recent history of urinary tract infection. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 103(6), 1434–1442. https://doi.org/10.3945/ajcn.116.130542
Clinical scenario 2: Hydration
You are in your second week of your residential care placement, and you notice that several of the residents are not drinking the fluids that have been left for them. You speak with your buddy nurse about your observations, and they tell you that it is a common issue in residential aged care. Your buddy nurse asks you to search the literature to identify strategies that have been used to increase fluid intake of older people living in residential aged care so their hydration status is improved. Appraisal of Literature
The following article is to be used in your appraisal. You will still need to source two (2) further related articles that are up to 10 years old to complete the appraisal of the literature using the CRAPP framework. Cook, G., Hodgson, P., Hope, C., Thompson, J., & Shaw, L. (2019). Hydration practices in residential and nursing care homes for older people
Presentation Guidelines
Attach an assignment title page with Assessment task 2, Critical Appraisal of Literature, your name, student ID number, course code, and campus
Include on your assignment cover page the clinical question you have developed from the allocated scenario.
Use Word doc format only (For those students with Mac computers, please convert to a Word file equivalent). No other file types will be accepted.
Font size 12, normal margins, and double line spacing.
Your student ID and unit code e.g.: 12345678_NURBN1015, should be in the header; with page numbering in the footer e.g., page 1 of 10.
The articles appraised using the CRAAP test are to be presented in alphabetical order as per APA referencing guidelines
Each appraisal is to be set out on a new page.
Please include a word count at the end of each appraisal
Submit the appraisals as a single document – no reference list is required.
The file name should be the task number, your student ID and the scenario e.g., 12345678_T2_[topic name]
Task 2 submission
The appraisal is to be submitted online via the Moodle submission link.
Step 1 Complete the Appraisal Plagiarism Declaration. Upon completion of the declaration, the Appraisal Turnitin link will become accessible.
Step 2 – Submit your single document through the Appraisal Turnitin link.
Step 3 – Check Turnitin report and make amendments to ensure your own words are used, and all references are cited as per the APA 7th referencing style. You can resubmit to Turnitin up to three times.
Step 4 – Re-submit the paper after you have made amendments (if required) by the due date and time.
Step 5 – Congratulate yourself on completing task 2.
Library and Learning Skills Resources
The Library Nursing Subject Guide NURBN1015 Assessment 2 page will help with both task 2 and 3 This help sheet outlines the basics of APA referencing style: APA 7th Referencing Helpsheet
Assessment feedback
Marking of this task will be completed by relevant academics and feedback will be provided both via electronic track changes and on the marking guide (see Moodle). The marking guide will demonstrate assessment standards for expected content as well as grammar, spelling. and referencing. Assessment grades will be provided to students via Moodle. Marking is to be completed and grades allocated within approximately 3 weeks of submission as per university policy.
The feedback from this assessment should be used to inform the finalisation of your final assessment task.
Marking Rubric
Attribute/Task | Task | 4 marks | 3 marks | 2 marks | 1 mark | 0 marks |
Students embark on inquiry and find needed | Student acquires two (2) appropriate articles for the task and uses the article supplied for the topic. | The acquired articles are appropriate primary research AND Has used the prescribed article | The acquired articles are primary research but less relevant to the topic AND Has used the prescribed article | One of the acquired articles in primary research AND Has used the prescribed article | The acquired articles are not primary research AND Has used the prescribed article | The acquired articles are unrelated to the topic AND/OR Has not used the prescribed article |
Students appraise and organise information and synthesise appropriately. | Appraisal 1: Evidence of high-level understanding of article. Appraisal is consistent with article content and articulated in students’ own words. The appraisal must include: 1. Full citation; 2. Discussion of the relevance of the article; 3. Appraise the authority of the information; 4. appraisal of Literature the accuracy of the information; 5. Identify the purpose of the article; 6. A short summary of the content of the article | All six appraisal elements are included and presented in a logical order | At least four appraisal elements are included and presented in a logical order | At least three appraisal elements are included and presented in a logical order | At least two appraisal elements are included and presented in a logical order | Appraisal has no clear structure and/or does not include any of the required elements |
Discussion demonstrates excellent understanding of the article by accurate identification of all the main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article | Discussion demonstrates good understanding of the article by accurate identification of most of the main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article | Discussion demonstrates some understanding of the article by identification of some the main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article | Discussion demonstrates limited understanding of the article by limited identification of the main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article | Understanding of article not demonstrated. Discussion did not identify any main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article | ||
Ideas are articulated in own words | Ideas are mostly articulated in own words with one or two copied directly from the article | Some ideas are articulated in own words, some have been copied directly from the article | Excessive use of quotations AND/OR Paraphrasing skills require development to avoid plagiarism | Ideas are not articulated in own words. | ||
Students appraise and organise information and synthesise appropriately. | Appraisal 2: Evidence of high-level understanding of article. Appraisal is consistent with article content and articulated in students’ own words. The appraisal must include: 1. Full citation; 2. Discussion of the relevance of the article; 3. Appraise the authority of the information; 4. Appraise the accuracy of the information; 5. Identify the purpose of the article; 6. A | All six appraisal elements are included and presented in a logical order | At least four appraisal elements are included and presented in a logical order | At least three appraisal of Literature elements are included and presented in a logical order | At least two appraisal elements are included and presented in a logical order | Appraisal has no clear structure and/or does not include any of the required elements |
Discussion demonstrates excellent understanding of the article by accurate identification of all the main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article appraisal of Literature | Discussion demonstrates good understanding of the article by accurate identification of most of the main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article | Discussion demonstrates some understanding of the article by identification of some the main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article | Discussion demonstrates limited understanding of the article by limited identification of the main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article appraisal of Literature | Understanding of article not demonstrated. Discussion did not identify any main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article |
Attribute/Task | Task | 4 marks | 3 marks | 2 marks | 1 mark | 0 marks |
short summary of the content of the article. | Ideas are articulated in own words | Ideas are mostly articulated in own words with one or two copied directly from the article | Some ideas are articulated in own words, some have been copied directly from the article | Excessive use of quotations AND/OR Paraphrasing skills require development to avoid plagiarism | Ideas are not articulated in own words. | |
Students appraise and organise information and synthesise appropriately. | Appraisal 3: Evidence of high-level understanding of article. Appraisal is consistent with article content and articulated in students’ own words. The appraisal must include: 1. Full citation; 2. Discussion of the relevance of the article; 3. Appraise the authority of the information; 4. Appraise the accuracy of the information; 5. Identify the purpose of the article; 6. A short summary of the content of the article. | All six appraisal elements are included and presented in a logical order | At least four appraisal elements are included and presented in a logical order | At least three appraisal elements are included and presented in a logical order | At least two appraisal elements are included and presented in a logical order | Appraisal has no clear structure and/or does not include any of the required elements |
Discussion demonstrates excellent understanding of the article by accurate identification of all the main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article | Discussion demonstrates good understanding of the article by accurate identification of most of the main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article | Discussion demonstrates some understanding of the article by identification of some the main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article | Discussion demonstrates limited understanding of the article by limited identification of the main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article | Understanding of article not demonstrated. Discussion did not identify any main ideas, key points, and supporting details of the article | ||
Ideas are articulated in own words | Ideas are mostly articulated in own words with one or two copied directly from the article | Some ideas are articulated in own words, some have been copied directly from the article | Excessive use of quotations AND/OR Paraphrasing skills require development to avoid plagiarism | Ideas are not articulated in own words. | ||
Students communicate knowledge with ethical, social and cultural awareness, and with academic integrity. | appraisal of Literature use of academic language; accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation | Consistent use of academic language used throughout AND No errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation AND Sentence structure and expression are clear and concise | Academic language used AND One or two errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation AND Sentence structure and expression are mainly clear and concise | Mainly academic language used AND Few errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation AND Sentence structure and expression are mostly clear and concise | Mostly lay language used AND/OR Several errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation AND/OR Sentence structure and expression mostly clear but wordy AND/OR Slightly exceeds +/- 10% word count | Lay language used AND/OR Substantial errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation AND/OR Considerable sentence structure errors AND/OR Significantly exceeds +/- 10% word count |
Referencing | Correct acknowledgement of articles using APA 7th style and within required publication timeframe. | All articles are acknowledged AND Correct APA 7th referencing AND All acquired articles are within last 10 years | All articles are acknowledged AND Mostly correct APA 7th referencing AND All acquired articles are within last 10 years | Partial acknowledgement of articles AND Some errors within APA 7th referencing AND Most acquired articles are within last 10 years | Incorrect acknowledgement of articles AND/OR APA 7th referencing has several errors AND/OR Some acquired articles are within last 10 years | No acknowledgement of articles AND/OR Referencing does not conform to APA 7th referencing AND/OR All acquired articles are older than 10 years |
Academic Requirements | Appropriately presents task: Plain cover page; Header with student ID & Footer with page numbers; Font size 12; Double line spacing; Normal margins; Each annotation presented on new page; No reference list | Submission conforms to all presentation requirements as set out in task instructions | Submission mostly conforms to presentation requirements as set out in task instructions (more than half) | Submission conforms to at least half of the presentation requirements as set out in task instructions | Submission conforms to fewer than half presentation requirements as set out in task instructions | Submission conforms to none of the presentation requirements as set out in task instructions |
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