[ANSWER]Technology and Nursing
Assignment Guidance Technology and Nursing
The assessment for this module is a 2000 word discursive essay with 20 current references. The module team have provided a number of essay topics relating to the content of the module; you are able to choose one topic you would like to write about. The topic I have chosen is Technology /pharmacology.
As a level six piece of work, this assessment has to reflect your growth, learning, maturing and ability to critically explore your knowledge and understanding of your chosen topic, it has to be in a third persons.
The question for this module is to critically analyse the extent to which advances in technology Technology and Nursing is having an impact on nursing care?
You will need to research your topic thoroughly and critically analyse the topic from a number of viewpoints, also your argument needs to be balance in both sides but only shear your opinion in your conclusion.
You will need to introduce the topic, outline the key position you are taking, and explore this position from a variety of perspectives supporting these views with evidence this work should be based on current evidence not your opinion.
This work is in a form of debate but in your conclusion you must shear your opinion with the examiner example below
“While myriad forces are changing the face of contemporary healthcare, one could argue that nothing will change the way Technology and Nursing is practiced more than current advances in technology. Indeed, Technology and Nursing is changing the world at warp speed and nowhere is this more evident than in healthcare “settings.
http://nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Vol-18-2013/No2-May-2013/Impact-of-Emerging-Technology and Nursing.html
Assignment Guidelines
The assessment for this module is a 2000-word discursive essay with 20 current references. The module team have provided a number of essay topics relating to the content of the module; you are able to choose one topic you would like to write about.
As a level six piece of work, this assessment has to reflect your growth, learning, maturing and ability to critically explore your knowledge and understanding of your chosen topic, it has to be in a third persons.
You will need to introduce the topic, outline the key position you are taking, and explore this position from a variety of perspectives supporting these views with evidence this work should be based on current evidence not your opinion.
This work is in a form of a debate and your discussion must be from both sides but in your conclusion you must shear your opinion with the examiner.
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