[ANSWER]Nursing 438 Trends and Issues Online Course Assignment 1- Addressing Nurses’ Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Comparing Issue Coverage in Different Media Types
Addressing Nurses’ Mental Health Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
The first article considered in this analysis is a peer-reviewed article authored by Stelnicki et al. (2020) and published in the Canadian Journal of Nursing. According to the article, nurses’ mental health following the debilitating COVID-19 pandemic is a problem that requires robust organizational responses given the potential of the problem to undermine care quality and safety. This can be achieved by providing nurses with access to formal psychosocial support on an ongoing basis as well as increasing PPE availability and staffing.
The second article is an article published in the National Post. Authored by Sandri (2021), the article paints the disturbing state of affairs as far as nurses’ mental health in the wake of the pandemic is concerned. Part of addressing this problem according to the article is increasing nurses’ access to PPE and calling upon the general public to express its gratitude for the invaluable contribution of nurses during the pandemic.
Sandri (2021) also suggests that the public can help nurses cope with the pandemic more successfully by complying with containment measures such as social distancing. The third article included in this analysis is an article authored by Archibald-Varley and Fung (2021) and published on Chatelaine.com, a…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1998 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1998
Grade/Mark: 92 (Distinction)