[ANSWER]NURS3002 Assessment 3: Analytical Paper
[ANSWER PREVIEW] – NURS3002 Assessment 3: Analytical Paper
Even though I might have exposed the patient to skin friction or shear due to improper positioning on the lift pad, the experience went well in terms of how my supervisor handled it. The scenario brought out the supervisor as an effective leader. This is exemplified by the coaching approach she employed in correcting me. In accordance with the coaching leadership style, a coach is a leader that views their followers as valuable participants in the leadership process (Cardoso et al., 2014).
Driven by team thinking and patience, the leader focuses on supporting and guiding their followers in the execution of the roles and responsibilities assigned to them. The leader desires the best for their followers and is hence committed to mentoring them and nurturing their strengths (Cardoso et al., 2014). As such, when followers make mistakes, the leader corrects them in a constructive manner to make them better in what they do. The coaching ability of my supervisor is an…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1609 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1609
Grade/Mark: 88 (Distinction)
Graded Solution | NURS3002 Assessment 3: Analytical Paper