[ANSWER]NURS2101 Assessment 2- Assignment 2: Family-Centred Care and Application of Qualitative Research

Family-Centred Care


Understanding Family-Centred Care in Paediatric Nursing

Family-centred care is an approach to care that involves not just the patient but also their family when it comes to care decision-making and the process of care (Cheraghi et al., 2015). In the context of paediatric nursing, the aim of family-centred care is to ensure care that reflects the needs and wishes of the both the child and their family. This entails, among other aspects, allowing and empowering parents/guardians and siblings to participate in the care of the child as well as recognising the family’s strengths in the formulation of the child’s care plan (Cheraghi et al., 2015). Family-centred care would be important to the physical and psychological wellbeing of Harley.

T1DM requires effective management in the long-term to maintain stable blood glucose levels and to prevent potential complications like hypoglycaemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, and microvascular disease (DiMeglio et al., 2018). If Harley’s family is actively involved in the care process, they would be able to support her in the management of her diabetic condition, ensuring desirable treatment outcomes in the long-term. In terms of psychological wellbeing, T1DM can be psychologically distressful for a child due to the symptoms of the disease, constant taking of medication, and the lifestyle adjustments associated with it (Commissariat et al.,..[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2054 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 2054

Grade/Mark: 90 (Distinction)

Graded Solution