[ANSWER]CNA154 Assessment 3 Turning an Event into a Reflection: Case Study Reflection

Case Study Reflection


As the physiotherapy student measures the patient’s BP, his supervisor makes a Medical Emergency Team (MET) call so that the emergency can be responded to urgently before it escalates. A doctor, a senior nurse and a student nurse respond to the call immediately. The MET discusses the patient’s condition while rushing to the physiotherapy room as the doctor and the senior nurse explain to the student nurse why AD can be a medical emergency.

The MET quickly establishes the cause of the patient’s elevated BP to be his compression stockings. After the stockings are removed, the patient’s BP immediately starts to come down and he becomes stable within a few minutes. The patient says he does not want the stockings put back on but the doctor explains that he will be fine if they are put correctly. The physiotherapy student’s supervisor takes a moment to explain to the…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1480 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1480

Grade/Mark: 87 (Distinction)

Graded Solution | Case Study Reflection