[ANSWER]CMM91010 Assessment 2: Reflective Writing
[Reflective Writing]: Closely related to authenticity is honesty. In very simple terms, honesty is integrity. It is about standing by the truth at all times. Honest people are truthful with their feelings and views; they do not backstab or say one thing in public and another in private. They are always consistent with the truth, whether it hurts others or not. In a world where demonstrating honesty unswervingly is a rare trait, I consider being honest one of my key strengths as a person. I have come to learn that honesty is the best policy.
The third most important value for me is self-confidence. I see self-confidence as trust in my own capabilities, judgments, as well as physical appearance. Growing up I was not a very confident person. I was a kid who would often sink in self pity when criticised by others. At school, I always doubted by ability to the extent that I would not even raise my hand in class to answer a question from the teacher even[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1691 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1691
Grade/Mark: 93 (Distinction)
Graded Solution | CMM91010 Assessment 2: Reflective Writing