[ANSWER]CAP302 Assessment Task 2 Case Study: Patient Education Before Elective Aesthetic Surgery
Lean About Patient Education Before Elective Aesthetic Surgery
In cosmetic practice, patient education is a process that involves providing the patient with all the information they need before undergoing the cosmetic procedure (Nejadsarvari & Ebrahimi, 2014). The process starts the moment the patient makes the first consultation and continues until moments before the procedure. Patient education is also provided after the procedure, but it should be noted that the focus of this paper is the education provided in the period between the patient’s first consultation and the performance of the procedure.
Involving both oral and written communication, the education focuses on several aspects, including the nature of the procedure and the duration it takes, the different techniques that can be used to achieve the desired outcomes and their relative benefits, outcomes of the procedure immediately after operation and in the long-term, as well as treatment alternatives (Teven & Grant, 2018). Other important aspects that should be paid attention to during the patient education process include the patient’s aesthetic goals and referrals to other professionals that may help the patient in one way or another, such as mental health professionals (Selvaggi et al., 2017).
In scholarly literature on this topic, patient education during the preoperative phase is extensively reiterated (Heller & Miller, 2004; Nejadsarvari & Ebrahimi, 2014; Selvaggi et al., 2017; Ubbink et al., 2016; Veer et al., 2014). Patient education before aesthetic surgery helps the patient in several ways. When patients have comprehensive information about the cosmetic procedure they are interested in as well as the associated benefits and risks, they have a better understanding of what they are getting themselves into. Additionally, detailed information about the risks of cosmetic surgery increases the likelihood of the patient recalling that information before and after undergoing the procedure (Teven & Grant, 2018).
Patient education is also helpful in relieving patients of the preoperative anxiety they are likely to experience, hence ensuring the patient’s mental preparedness for the procedure (Veer et al., 2014). Collectively, these benefits can have a positive impact on patient and care outcomes preoperatively and postoperatively. Research has shown comprehensive patient education…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 3441 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 3441
Grade/Mark: 86 (Distinction)