[ANSWER]CAP203 Caring for Patients with Acute Illness: A Case Study of a Perioperative Patient with Cholecystitis

Understanding CAP203: Caring for Perioperative Patient with Acute Cholecystitis
According to Behar (2013), cholecystitis results from the obstruction of the cystic duct or the neck of the gallbladder due to gallstones. Such obstruction leads to an abnormal rise in pressure within the gallbladder causing, among other complications, proliferation of microorganisms and capillary congestion (Azzam, 2017). Eventually, the wall thickens and causes subserosal oedema, which may last for as long as four days. The level of obstruction and duration determines the seriousness of cholecystitis and its progression to an acute stage. Failure to detect and manage the disease at this stage invites haemorrhage and necrosis of the entire gallbladder which, if not treated, causes formation of pericholecystic abscess (Azzam, 2017).
Clinical Manifestations of Acute Cholecystitis
Acute cholecystitis’s signs and symptoms can easily be confused with such conditions as irritable bowel disease and ulcer among others (Jones et al., 2017). However, studies agree that abdominal pain in the right upper quadrant is a common symptom among patients with cholecystitis (Bridges et al., 2018). The pain may worsen after the consumption of a fatty meal. Other signs and symptoms include nausea and vomiting, fever, and Murphy’s sign (tenderness of the right upper quadrant) (Bridges et al., 2018).
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Type: Essay
Word Count: 2159
Grade/Mark: 83 (Distinction)