[ANSWER]Assessment Task 2: Essay
[ANSWER PREVIEW]Tran has been admitted to the surgical ward’s high dependency unit Essay after the formation of a temporary ileostomy.
Considering that Tran is difficult to rouse and non-verbal and Essay that his eyes are closed, the first and most important nursing assessment would be assessment of his level of consciousness (LOC). Postoperative patients are at a significant risk for reduced LOC. Ideally, postoperative patients are expected to be responsive to verbal stimuli and aware of their environment (Akhtar et al., 2013). If this responsiveness is not observed, the patient’s LOC may have deteriorated and could be a sign of shock.
Tran has been admitted to the surgical ward’s high dependency unit (HDU) after the formation of a temporary ileostomy. This surgical procedure may have led to shock, consequently interfering with the patient’s LOC. The administration of a narcotic analgesia might also have affected the patients LOC (Sudhakarrao et al., 2016). An urgent LOC assessment would be necessary to confirm whether the patient is in shock and to inform the necessary interventions Essay.
Failure to conduct an LOC assessment as soon as possible could endanger the patient’s life. The second most important assessment that would be needed for Tran is a respiratory assessment. The patient’s respiratory rate (6) is significantly below the normal range for an adult (12-20). This could be a…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2396 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2396
Grade/Mark: 84 (Distinction)