[ANSWER]Assessment 1 Paper Critique: Science-Policy Interface in Development Policy: Challenges and Innovations

Science-Policy Interface


Exploring the Science-Policy Interface

An understanding of the science-policy interface and how it works is crucial. There is no universally agreed definition of the notion of science-policy interface. Generally, it can be defined as processes that bring scientists and policymakers together (Humphreys 2009). These processes allow scientists and policymakers to exchange knowledge with one another for the purpose of evidence-based decision making in relation to policy problems (Sarkki et al. 2014). When scientists and policymakers work together, they focus on the same priorities, making efforts aimed at solving development problems more successful. By drawing from …[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 933 WORDS] and learn more….


Type: Essay

Word Count: 933

Grade/Mark: 87 (Distinction)

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