[ANSWER] Healthcare Fraud

Answer Of Healthcare Fraud


Answer Of Healthcare Fraud

Topic: Healthcare fraud

Description about Answer of Healthcare Fraud:

Complete a 1 page analysis of the main contributors to healthcare fraud, waste, and abuse by consumers and practitioners. In the analysis, address the following:

1) Identify the main contributions to fraud, waste, and abuse by consumers and practitioners.

2) Assess the impact that reimbursement structures have in encouraging or discouraging each of the contributions to fraud, waste, and abuse you identified.

Use the following sources to support the discussion:

Collaboration the key to tackling fraud. (2015). Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society, 21(2), 122. Retrieved from http://www.atms.com.au/page.php?id=11

Thornton, D., Brinkhuis, M., Amrit, C., & Aly, R. (2015). Categorizing and describing the types of fraud in healthcare. Procedia Computer Science, 64, 713–720. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.594

Woodard, B. (2015). Fighting healthcare fraud with statistics. Significance, 12(3), 22–25. doi:10.1111/j.1740-9713.2015.00825.x

Answer Of Healthcare Fraud


According to Woodward (2015), patients should strictly receive and pay for services they need at any one point. Reimbursement structures should effectively capture those particular services. Presence of electronic data which stores patient information serves to query each claim (Gee & Button, 2015)…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 499 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 499

Grade/Mark: 85 (Distinction)

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