[ANSWER] NURS3003 Assignment 3 Essay: Transition Home or to a Residential Aged Care Facility: Mrs Mabel Winter Case Study

NURS3003 Assignment 3


Malnutrition – NURS3003 Assignment 3

One vital care need for Mabel relates to malnutrition. Mabel is malnourished, with her body mass index nearing the range for mild underweight. This problem could be explained by reluctance to eat. She experiences dizziness when she stands, especially after eating. If her eating does not improve, her malnutrition could deteriorate, ultimately worsening her overall health and wellbeing.

Mostly attributable to reduced food intake, malnutrition is a common problem in the elderly (Dietitians Association of Australia, 2019), with effects such as compromised immunity, muscle weakness, increased proneness to infection, and even death (Flanagan et al., 2012). Malnutrition also increases the risk of falling among the elderly (Flanagan et al., 2012). Mabel already has a history of falls and her malnutrition could be one of the causes. This further justifies the need to prioritise her nutritional status in her care.  

Assistance with Activities of Daily Living and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living In addition to nutritional support, Mabel needs assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). This is necessitated by her increased disinterest in caring for herself, living alone, chronic multimorbidity, and her recent…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1912 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1912

Grade/Mark: 93 (Distinction)

Graded Solution | [ANSWER] NURS3003 Assignment 3 Essay