[ANSWER] NURS2023 Assessment 1: Nursing Case Study Report

Fluid Imbalance


Fluid Imbalance

Regular assessment of the patient’s fluid balance is a crucial part of the ongoing nursing management of fluid imbalance. A fluid balance chart is the most commonly used tool for monitoring this variable (Granado & Mehta 2016). The tool ensures documentation of the patient’s fluid intake and output on a daily basis. For patients with oedema, accurate documentation of daily fluid intake and output is vital for informing treatment decisions (Granado & Mehta 2016).

Hence, it would be important for the nurse in Mr Jones’s case to record his fluid intake and output after every 24 hours. As sodium and fluid retention is one of the key hallmarks of oedema, sodium and fluid restriction are critical to the successful management of the complication (Goyal, Cusick & Bansal 2021). Evidence in this area shows that reducing salt and fluid intake is helpful in reducing the fluid retention associated with generalised oedema (Granado & Mehta 2016; Stickel et al. 2019). Generally, it is recommended that the patient’s diet salt and fluid intake be restricted to < 5g per day and 1.5-2.0L per day, respectively (Stickel et al. 2019).

Additionally, the daily fluid intake should be reasonably distributed throughout the day to ensure the patient does not take > 1L within a single hour (Stickel et al. 2019). In accordance with these guidelines, the nurse would ensure Mr Jones’s salt and fluid intake during his period of admission is restricted accordingly. Explore the crucial role of nurses in regularly assessing patients’ fluid balance, utilizing tools like fluid balance charts to monitor intake and output, informing treatment decisions and ensuring effective management of fluid imbalance. Particularly, the nurse would ensure the patient consumes a low-salt diet and does not have more than 2L of…: [Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2598 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 2598

Grade/Mark: 95 (Distinction)

Graded Solution | Fluid Imbalance