[ANSWER] NURS1044 Assignment 2: Determinants of Health in Indigenous Australians

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NURS1044 Assignment 2: Education is one of the key social factors responsible for the significant health differences between Indigenous Australians and their non-Indigenous counterparts. As of 2020, education accounted for 8.7% of this gap (AIHW 2020). This gap emanates from significant differences in level of educational attainment between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Compared to the rest of the population, Indigenous Australians have lower rates of enrolment into and completion of primary, secondary, and tertiary education.
In 2017, the rate of school attendance among Indigenous students was 83.2%, in comparison to 93% for their non-Indigenous counterparts (Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 2018). Additionally, in 2016, the rate of Year 12 completion among Indigenous youths in 20-24 years age group was 65.3%, which is considerably low compared to 89.1% for the national average. Education is widely known to be a significant determinant of health, with research suggesting an association between lower educational attainment and a higher risk for morbidity and mortality (Shepherd, Li & Zubrick 2012).
According to Australian’s Health 2020 report, only 38% of Indigenous Australians with a Year 10 qualification and below reported that their health was very good or excellent, compared to 54% in those with a Year 12 qualification and above (AIHW 2020). A lower level of educational attainment affects the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians in several ways. As of 2020, the proportion of Indigenous Australians who smoked was higher in those with a Year 10 qualification and below (71%) compared to those with a Year 12 qualification or above (49%) (AIHW 2020). Since smoking is a major risk factor for numerous chronic illnesses, this…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2681 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2681
Grade/Mark: 94 (Distinction)
Graded Solution | [ANSWER] NURS1044 Assignment 2