[ANSWER] NURBN3022 Assignment 2 (#1) – Transition to Practice Programs for Newly Registered Nurses: Are They Effective in Improving Clinical Competence, Job Satisfaction and Retention?

Clinical Competence


Research shows that formal and informal TTP programs can be beneficial for NRNs during the transitional period. The benefits of these programs are discussed here in three key themes: 1) clinical competence; 2) job satisfaction; and 3) retention.

Clinical Competence

A gap between theory and practice is one of the key challenges that NRNs encounter during the transitional period (Jamshidi et al., 2016). Despite undergoing clinical placement during undergraduate training, NRNs often find themselves deficient of clinical skills due to, among other factors, limited familiarity with the clinical environment (Wong et al., 2018). Inadequate clinical competence among NRNs is a major concern due to its potential negative impact on care quality and patient safety (Gordon et al., 2014). Without sufficient clinical competence, NRNs are less likely to deliver care in a manner that guarantees high quality and safety (Pertiwi & Hariyati, 2019).

TTP programs are useful interventions for addressing this problem. Comprising different modes of delivery, including lectures, practical demonstrations and mentoring, TTP programs have been shown to enhance NRNs’ ability to deliver high-quality, safe care as well as skills in critical areas such as patient safety assessment, clinical reasoning, critical patient care, medical device use, evidence-based practice, professionalism, as well as teamwork and collaboration (Aggar et al., 2017; Letourneau & McCurry, 2019; Oblea et al., 2019; Phillips et al., 2015; Short et al., 2019; Spector et al., 2015). Having these competences causes NRNs to have greater confidence in their clinical capabilities (Henderson et al., 2015).

Owing to limited clinical experience, many NRNs tend to doubt their clinical capabilities, a problem may further diminish their ability to deliver care that meets quality and safety standards (Azimian et al., 2014). TTP programs are an effective solution for this problem. What is more, with adequate clinical competence, NRNs are less likely to commit medical errors or employ unsafe practices (Spector et al., 2015). The positive effect on NRNs’ clinical competence is arguably the greatest benefit of TTP programs.   

Job Satisfaction The demanding and challenging nature of the clinical environment, coupled with…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 3397 WORDS] If your need more assignment click here….


Type: Essay

Word Count: 3397

Grade/Mark: 96 (Distinction)