[ANSWER]Clinical Update: Influenza

influenza viruses


Influenza : Widely referred to as flu, influenza is a highly contagious viral disease that affects the respiratory system. The disease may occassionally affect the lungs, but it mainly affects the upper part of the respiratory system, which includes, the nose, the throat, and bronchi (Moghadami, 2017). There are four known types of influenza viruses: A, B, C, and D (Bailey et al., 2018). These viruses fall under the umbrella of viruses known as orthomyxoviridae (Taubenberger & Morens, 2008). Of the four influenza viruses, only types A, B and C affect humans, with types A and B being the most serious (Bailey et al., 2018).

In Australia, more than three-quarters (76.9%) of all influenza cases reported in 2019 were Type A (Department of Health, 2019). Type C mostly causes mild respiratory symptoms, usually in a sporadic pattern (Kalil & Thomas, 2019). Influenza viruses have a single-strand gene and glycoproteins on their outermost layer (Blut, 2009). The most crucial glycoproteins involved in influenza pathogenesis are hemagglutinin (abbreviated as H or HA) and neuraminidase (abbreviated as N or NA) (Virk et al., 2020). In type A, 18 Hs (H1-H18) and 11 Ns (N1-N11) have thus far been identified (Ramahi & Freifeld, 2019). These various antigens form the basis of influenza type A classification. H1N1…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2102 WORDS]

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Type: Essay

Word Count: 2102

Grade/Mark: 94 (Distinction)