[ANSWER]NURS3101 Assessment 1- The Clinical Reasoning Cycle: A Case Study

The Clinical Reasoning Cycle
On examination at the emergency department (ED), Matthew is found to be alert and normally responsive to vocal stimuli. He is also found to have no evidence of airway obstruction or head or spinal injury. Additionally, he has normal breath sounds, oxygen saturation, and blood glucose level. Based on these signs, it can be deduced that Matthew is not in a critical condition. However, there are variables that are not within the normal range and this should be cause for alarm. One such variable is his RR (22 breaths per minute), which is above the normal range of 12-20 breaths per minute.
Rapid breathing, medically known as tachypnoea, can be caused by a wide of range of factors, including exercise, respiratory complications such as asthma, sepsis, diabetic ketoacidosis, carbon monoxide poisoning, panic, and anxiety (Park & Khattar, 2020). Given the available information, it seems that Matthew’s elevated RR is as a result of the panic emanating from the accident. Thus, his higher RR is not necessarily a cause for alarm, though it should be monitored to check if it rises further. Another variable that deserves consideration is Matthew’s HR (126 bpm), which is higher than the normal range of 60-100 bpm.
Attention to this variable is particularly important as it increased from 93 bpm at the accident scene to 126 bpm at the ED. Elevated HR, medically know as tachycardia, is attributable to factors such as exercise, stress, cardiovascular and respiratory complications, certain medications, and substance withdrawal (Henning & Krawiec, 2020). Considering Matthew’s full medical history is yet to be ascertained, it seems that his increased HR may be as a result of the panic or psychological distress emanating from the accident. His HR is likely to normalise once…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2897 WORDS] – Clinical Reasoning Cycle
[SOLUTION DESCRIPTION] | The Clinical Reasoning Cycle
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2897
Grade/Mark: 86 (Distinction)
Graded Solution | The Clinical Reasoning Cycle