[ANSWER]Analysis of Emotional Intelligence Strategies: Task 13

Analysis of Emotional Intelligence


Analysis of Emotional Intelligence TASK 3

Topic: Analysis of Emotional Intelligence Strategies

Format:   Critical Analysis 

Length:            2500 words

APA6 referencing

Assessment details

Emotional intelligence includes the ability to understand other people, work well in cooperation with them and to be self-aware. Emotional labour is a term that can be used to describe nurses’ management of their emotions in relation to interacting with consumers, family/carers and colleagues.

Four (4) scenarios on aspects of cancer and haematology nursing practice are to be accessed from the unit of study eLearning site. Using relevant literature to support your answers, critically analyse each scenario and in your response, address the following questions:

  • What particular aspects of emotional labour (ie. instrumental, collegial, and/or therapeutic) are evident in this scenario?
  • What emotional intelligence strategies (supported by literature) could be used by the nurse to more effectively address the emotional labour and personal/interpersonal issues in this scenario?
  • What are the potential benefits of using these emotional intelligence strategies for the nurse, patient, family/carer, and/or colleagues (as relevant) in this scenario?

This assessment should be submitted in a modified essay format. This means students are required to include an introduction, body and conclusion in their work. Headings are acceptable but dot points, lists, pictures and tables are not.

[ANSWER PREVIEW OF Analysis of Emotional Intelligence]

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