[ANSWER]NURS20170 Advanced Mental Health Nursing Skills: Motivational Interviewing in Practice

Advanced Mental Health Nursing

[ANSWER PREVIEW]The therapist persuades the client by employing a number of techniques Advanced Mental Health Nursing, including active and reflective listening

The therapist persuades the client by employing a number of techniques Advanced Mental Health Nursing, including active and reflective listening, asking open-ended questions, avoiding judgemental questions, as well as affirming and empathising with the client (Bahner & Stenqvist, 2020; Mutschler et al., 2018; Ubaidi, 2017). Active and reflective listening helps in developing and maintaining a therapeutic relationship with the client (Ubaidi, 2017). It entails letting the client express themselves without interrupting them as well as reflecting back what they say (Resnicow & McMaster, 2012). This is an effective communication technique that assures the client that the therapist is giving them the attention they deserve. It also makes the client feel acknowledged and understood.

The kind of questions the therapist asks the client during the interview process matters. This is why it is important to avoid close-ended and judgemental questions when interviewing the client (Ubaidi, 2017) Advanced Mental Health Nursing. Close-ended questions are questions that typically have one or two possible responses, such as questions that require a “yes” or “no” response. Such shallow questions hinder in-depth engagement with the client.

Judgmental questions are questions that have the potential to make the client uncomfortable as they are negative, critical, blameful, condemnatory, or disapproving. Both close-ended and judgmental questions can hinder the achievement of the desired therapeutic goals. Affirming and empathising with the client are also useful strategies when using the MI approach Advanced Mental Health Nursing. These strategies make the client feel understood and good…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2351 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 2351

Grade/Mark: 87 (Distinction)