[ANSWER]401208 Research for Nursing and Midwifery Assignment 2 Poster and Rationale: Does Nurse Education on Pain Management Increase Patient Satisfaction with Acute Pain Management in the Surgical Ward?
[ANSWER PREVIEW ON Acute Pain Management]
The study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of nurse education on pain management on patient satisfaction with acute pain management in the surgical ward setting, implying that it aims to examine the relationship between two variables: nurse education on pain management and patient satisfaction with acute pain management. The quantitative approach is the best-suited approach for such a study.
At its core, quantitative research focuses on quantifying a given variable or the association between two or more variables (Harvey & Land, 2017). The aim of such quantification is to offer objective knowledge regarding a given research phenomenon. This objectivity is one of the major advantages of quantitative research as it enhances study generalizability. Quantitative research may take different forms and one of the forms in the quasi-experimental design.
Quasi-experimental research is a type of experimental research that does not involve random allocation of subjects (Miller et al., 2020). The choice of this design is informed by the scarcity of experimental research on this topic. A key hallmark of experimental research is the demonstration of cause-and-effect relationships between two or more variables (Harvey & Land, 2017)….[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1870 WORDS]
[SOLUTION DESCRIPTION] [Acute Pain Management]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1870
Grade/Mark: 87 (Distinction)