[ANSWER]NUR2204 Acute Care Across the Lifespan B
[ANSWER PREVIEW ON Acute Care Across the Lifespan B]
Acute Care Across the Lifespan B: One of the priority nursing interventions for Mrs Hovey would be to manage her chest pain. She is complaining of mild pressure in her chest that has already lasted 10 minutes, with the pain radiating to her left arm, hence the need to relieve of the pain urgently. The intensity of the pain has been determined to be 4/10, meaning she is experiencing moderate pain.
If the pain is not relieved urgently, it could become severe, making the patient more uncomfortable and more stressed. What is more, if the pain becomes severe, the patient’s status could deteriorate, potentially lengthening her stay in the hospital (Ayerbe et al., 2016). In addition to administering the prescribed pain medications, the nurse can respond to Mrs Hovey’s pain complaint by having her rest and sit in a semi-fowler’s position as well as reassuring her (Ayerbe et al., 2016; Bruno et al., 2015). [Acute Care]
Another priority nursing intervention for Mrs Hovey would be responding to her dyspnoea. Besides complaining…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1642 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1642
Grade/Mark: 98 (Distinction)