[ANSWER]CAPS 4360A Paper 3: Should Voluntary-Active Euthanasia be Legalize?

Active Euthanasia be Legalize?
1. Evaluate the one best argument, described in Paper 3, in favor of the proponent position. How well does the argument supports the position? Explain.
2. Evaluate one best argument, described in Paper 3, in favor of the opponent position. How well does the argument supports the position? Explain.
3. Present your own answer to your should-question. Make a policy proposal.
4. Develop an argument in support of your view. Note how your argument improves on or succeeds over the proponent and opponent arguments evaluated earlier in the paper. Utilize material from three new scholarly sources (that is, scholarly sources you have not already used in previous papers for the course).
5. Perform Ruggiero Analysis of your own view and argument, including your policy proposal, to identify inherent values, obligations, consequences, and assumptions. Spell out what each value and obligation means to you. Note how values, obligations, and so on are relatively weighted. Include thoughtful
discussion. Avoid dry ? laundry lists? of values, obligations, consequences, and assumptions.
6. Compare what you learned through Ruggiero Analysis of your position with what
you found in performing Ruggiero Analysis on the proponent and opponent positions. Provide engaging discussion. Avoid dry, point-for-point comparisons.
7. Include a ?Works Cited? page in MLA format with at least three new scholarly sources (that is, scholarly sources you have not already used in previous papers for the course)
8. Be 4-6 pages long, not including the ?Works Cited? page.
9. Adhere to ?Format for Written Assignments.?
Active Euthanasia be Legalize
Note also that Paper 5 does not require an intro or conclusion and it is recommended that you not include them.
Argument Evaluation
There is no one right way to evaluate arguments. The kind of evaluation which is appropriate may vary based on the nature of the argument being evaluated. With that in mind, use your best judgment. Optionally, consider the following questions. You need not answer them in your paper at all. They are meant as suggested prompts only. (Active Euthanasia be Legalize)
Answering them all will not necessarily guarantee you have produced an effective analysis.
1. How does each argument function?
2. Is the argument logically sound or has some flaw in reasoning been committed?
3. If assumptions implicit in the argument are rejected, is the argument still convincing?
4. Will the argument only be convincing to a reader who shares certain values with those making the argument?
5. Are the obligations important to those making the argument really obligatory, and does their position represent the only way these obligations can be met?
6. Are consequences of the view being argued for desirable?
7. Do we have a moral imperative to bring about the consequences of the view being argued for, and if so, is the view being argued for the only way to bring about these consequences?
[ANSWER PREVIEW OF Active Euthanasia be Legalize?]
Proponents seem to agree on that not all form of euthanasia should be legalized. They believe that active voluntary euthanasia and PAS should be legalized under strict guideline and regulation. Strick regulation similar to those that are in place (Oregon, Washington, Montana and Vermont) where PAS are now legalized; 1) capable of voicing their decisions, their wish should still be carrying out if there is an advance directive in place 4) terminally ill and only have six months or less to live. 3) Patients get evaluated by a doctor. 4) It should be as the last resort only. Compassion and Choices want government to “authorize and implement medical aid in dying to allow mentally capable adults in their final weeks or months of a terminal disease to advance the time of death and end unbearable suffering”. On the other side, religious groups, Medical organizations are some of the strong opponents of Euthanasia. Groups like Right to Life of Michigan strives to protect “the precious gift of human life from fertilization to natural death” (RLMM)…..[Buy Full Answer Of Active Euthanasia be Legalize? for Just USD 9: 1706 WORDS]
Topic: Active Euthanasia be Legalize
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1706
Grade/Mark: 86 (Distinction)